Update on DPRTE Demo & More

If you would like to join us and travel to fight the DPRTE Arms fair in Farnborough, you can book a ticket online (if you can’t come but would like to financially contribute to help cover the cost of someone who can make it on the day, but can’t afford it, there is a donateoption here as well). More information on the DPRTE arms fair, including location and a summary of the campaign against it so far is on the AFed website.

If you would like to join us making banners and placards, we will be at BASE (14 Robertson Road, BS5 6JZ) from 5pm – 7pm this Thursday, the 14th.

We are planning for some actions those of you who can’t join us on the day can take – updates on that will be posted the week before the arms fair.

Our friends in Birmingham, who’s city was due to host the arms fair until it did a runner, have created a facebook event for the demo against it. Please share and invite any folks who may be able to travel there on the day (from Bristol, Brum, the South East, or wherever else).

We’ll also be flyering for the anti DPRTE arms fair protest at various events over the coming weeks. Please get in touch with us if you would like to help flyer at an event, and make sure to spread the word.

Non DPRTE related events coming up for the rest of March include:
Friday the 15th sees the second youth strike for climate, skip school/college/work and save the planet instead!
A memorial & Demonstration is taking place on Saturday the 16th, in honour of our friend and comrade Anna who was killed last year.
Extinction Rebellion are hosting a weekend event, we’ll be there arguing that environmentalism must be anti-capitalist and anti-state. Come and say hi if you are planning to attending (note XR are charging £10-£15 a day, so bare that in mind).
Mellow Mondays – Boardgames, and some vegan soup at BASE social centre every week. Often there is bonus food brought to share, or left over from the BASE sunday cafe.
Our friends at Bristol Antifascists are having a fundraiser on Saturday the 30th, should be a great night out!
A group of folks campaigning for more public control of Bristol’s buses are hosting an event on the 19th (more details tbc apparently!)

…Did we miss anything? If there is an event that you want us to attend or help publicise, drop us an email and let us know. Also make sure you make use of Alternative Bristol !

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