Tagged: Harassment

Reclaiming Bristol and fighting back against sexual violence

flyerA report from Octobers Reclaim the Path march from one of our members, and a reminder that Reclaim the Night will be taking place in central Bristol on Friday November the 27th. Contains reference to assault.

The cycle path between Bath and Bristol has seen a lot of sexual violence and harassment over its history. Including several friends of mine who have been attacked by men, with threats of rape. There has also been a lot of street harassment around Easton, including of a  friend who challenged her harassers and was then knocked to the floor and threatened at knife point. Continue reading

Anarchists start investigation into dangerous police extremists

Around 20 local anarchists, friends & badgers visited the HQ of the Bristol CID & Special Investigations at Sir Kenneth Steele House on Feeder Road in Bristol last Saturday 15th November. Officers operating from there have recently been visiting people’s homes and workplaces, harassing and putting pressure on local activists, musicians and their friends to become informants for the police. As a response, it was decided to turn the tables and start asking some questions of our own.

Armed with police style spotter cards displaying some of the ugly faces of Big Brother, our investigations began in the car park as decidedly nervous looking CID operatives arrived for their dirty work. Our unannounced presence seemed to produce a sort of mild panic for the first officer on the scene. Continue reading

Some Bristol Anarchists Response To The Police

Anarchists wield flaming torches outside Trinity Police Station (click for more info)

Anarchists wield flaming torches outside Trinity Police Station (click for more info)

Following on from our statement last year on police harassment of activists, and the subsequent march on a police sation brandishing flaming torches, and our more recent demo in solidarity with Furguson, Mo, we are pleased to put our name to the recent Bristol Defendant Solidarity statement.  The latest wave of police harassment and the history behind it is detailed by the anarchist bookfair collective, and the statement itself is signed and supported by numerous anarchist groups in and around Bristol. Here is the statement in full:

Police in Bristol appear to be stepping up their so far fruitless efforts to find individual anarchists and those that they think are responsible for property destruction actions over the last few years in Bristol. One year after their firearms training centre at Portishead was burnt down, they have turned to desperate measures to try and get any scrap of useful information. Continue reading

Sometimes Nothing Says It Better Than An Anarchist With A Flaming Torch

Anarchists wield flaming torches outside Trinity Police Station

I long overdue report from last years anti-police repression demo on 13/12

I stood in the crisp December air surrounded by 40 or so friends, comrades, and strangers.We pulled our hoods on tighter, gripping black flags and paraffin torches, their flames fluttering in the wind. High up the harsh brick walls of the police station the blinds twitched as some nervous officer or inspector stole a glance at the crowd.

Sounds like the start of a bad novel (or the latest piece from crime thinc), instead it was the situation Bristol Anarchist Federation and those that had responded to our call for a demo against police repression found ourselves in. Continue reading

Taking a stand against Police Harassment

No Justice, No Peace, Erase the Police with your giant novelty stationary

No Justice, No Peace, Erase the Police with your giant novelty stationary

In recent months Avon and Somerset Police have drastically increased their attempts to harass and intimidate local activists. Using the excuse of a recent arson attack to launch a campaign against people they know had no involvement. This is part of a growing trend across the UK to clamp down on dissent and resistance.  In the South West activists have been questioned without rights under anti-terror laws, harassed over the phone, followed round their own uni campuses, been visited at home and had friends/family/employers contacted by the police.

Its time we took a stand, in the streets, and showed that we are in solidarity with each other and will not be intimidated into silence. It is a time we can remember ALL those who have been on the receiving end of police harassment and violence.

Join us for a candle lit demonstration outside Trinity Road Police Station. Continue reading