Tagged: ABC

Prisoner Solidarity & International Tours

Upcoming events in Bristol…


Showing Solidarity with prisoners during Bristol ⒶBookfair

Prisoner solidarity is an essential part of any activism or revolutionary action. Prisons rarely, if ever, act as a deterrent to the crimes that can threaten our communities and they are downright counterproductive when its comes to ‘rehabilitation’ further oppressing and alienating people. Meanwhile the rich folks who start wars, exploit workers, destroy the environment or profit from our misery? Highly unlikely they’ll ever see the inside of a cell.

What Prisons do well is help to control the poor, marginalised, desperate, and anyone trying to take a stand and change society. The rate of this repression can vary immensely over time and place. When the state is feeling particularly vicious – or the resistance to it is looking particularly effective – you get widespread arrests and detention, such as Operation Pandora in Spain, and more recently Operation Phoenix in the Czech Republic. Continue reading

Anti-Workfare Street Party, Student Action, and more events in December

calendarHow to survive the cold nights, dark days, and endless parade of twee consumerism of December?  Well, this list of inspiring actions and events might help keep your spirits warm.

Continue reading

Commuications blockade of Belarusian Embassy on FRIDAY

Groups within Belarus have called for actions in solidarity with political prisoners, including anarchists, to take place this weekend. The prisoners who are being held are being put under immense pressure to sign ‘pleas for mercy’ before their release, and have been subject to solitary confinement, denial of contact with family and had food parcels stopped.

This friday 21st (the embassy is shut on saturday) there will be a communications blockade of their UK embassy, we strongly urge you to contact the embassy and let them know your oppinion on the continued detention of the political activists:

Tel: 0207 937 3288
Fax: 0207 361 0005
E-mail: uk.london@mfa.gov.by

If you are in the London area, or can get yourself there, a demonstration is taking place outside the embassy on sunday.

Untill all are free!


This Halloween (Sunday 31st October) Bristol Anarchist Federation, Bristol Anarchist Black Cross and friends bring you a free Zombie Film Festival.

DEAD SNOW (Nazi Zombies), La Horde (French Zombies) & Zombieland (Comedy Zombies).

It kicks off as 4pm and goes on till 11pm.

A meal will be served at 6.30pm for just £2.50. Plus expect cakes, popcorn, mulled cider and other goodies for a low low price/donation.

Dress to scare and come down to Keblele Social Centre, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 6JY