The Revolution Will Not Be Polite

Whilst we disagree with some of what the social justice league say*,  we really like this article which states ‘culture valuing niceness actively preserves fucked up power structures’.  More people involved in the fight for social change should consider the points in this article. No one who is being oppressed should be told to prioritise confronting their oppressors in a ‘nice’ way.  We’re tired of having arguments about certain tactics ‘inconveniencing’ or ‘annoying’ people. As for the risk of offending those that hold the very positions of privilege that we are fighting against? Hardly something we want to avoid.

The Revolution Will Not Be Polite: The Issue of Nice versus Good

*Mostly the idea that ‘ethical capitalism’ is in any way a desirable or viable thing to aim for.


  1. Sarah

    “As for the risk of offending those that hold the very positions of privilege that we are fighting against? Hardly something we want to avoid.”

    Which is why you will never succeed. You are too weak and not popular enough to have a revolution. You will change nothing if those in power do not help or allow you to change them. Your disregard for their feelings will not sell them your philosophy, and in the end you will change little.


    • Bristol Anarchist Federation

      Those institutions that weild power and privledge (states, capital) do not give up their power or share the wealth with the working class because they are ‘sold’ the idea that they should.

      They have historically only let us take a larger slice of wealth when they are forced into it or fear what may happen if they do not.

      We have no real intention of putting our energies into selling our philosophy to david cameron or trying to convince banks to be less greedy. The anarchist federation also does not plan on having its own revolution or recruiting everybody to be *anarchists*. Instead we want to play our part in larger acts of resistance, rebellion or revolution that can only occur class wide, and to spread the ideas/practise of *anarchy*. There are important differences which i hope are clear.

      ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.’ -Margaret Mead


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