Tagged: ecology

American Speaking Tour, Vegan Burgers & Environmental Action!

Events coming up soon that you might want to get yourself to!

This Friday, the 21st of June, we’ll be hosting a speaker from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation. They’ll be telling us about life in Trump’s America, and the growing anarchist resistance to it!
Get down to BASE (14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JZ) from 6.30pm for Vegan Burgers, with the talk starting around 7.30!

On Sunday 30th June, we’re calling on all environmental anti-capitalists (and anti-capitalist environmentalists) to start a Bristol/West Country Green Anti-Capitalist Front.  The plan is to bring together the various anti-capitalist campaigns already running, in order to better support each other, and to make interventions in the wider ecological movement so it doesn’t get stuck in the usual dead ends of broken government promises, individualised responses or ‘green capitalism’.
We’ll be meeting at BASE (14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JZ) from 5pm, and sticking around for the regular vegan cafe that kicks off at 6.30pm.
Facebook Event

On the subject of supporting existing ecological campaigns, there is plenty to get involved in:
Swindon XR Demo – and the Solidarity Network Block on it  (Saturday 29th June)
The first weekly ‘rolling picket’ organised by Bristol Earth Strike (Monday 1st July)
The Power Beyond Borders action camp, with transport from Bristol (26th – 31st July)
The Earth First Summer Gathering (14th – 20th August)
The Earth Strike! General strike (27th September, with build up actions in the preceding week).

…and that’s just for starters. Keep your eyes open for more Critical Mass Bike Rides, Pickets, Protests against airport expansion, public workshops and clandestine actions!

Talk on Ecology (and some Vegan Lasagne)

We are entering uncharted territory as capitalism exerts ever-increasing pressure on the earth’s ecosystems. left unchecked, the current fossil fuel economy will continue to wreck the climate and the burden of the resulting problems will fall disproportionately on the working class and those living in less economically developed countries.

Can capitalism reform its way into environmental sustainability? Can aware consumers buy their way out of global warming? Will the governments of the world save us from Climate Change? Learn out surprising answers (spoiler warning: no) and discuss the reasons why, and what we can do instead!

We’ll have copies of the pamphlet that we’re basing the talk on available. If you can’t wait to get hold of it, you can download it in PDF form here.

The location is; BASE Community Co-operative, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 6JY (website)
The date is: Sunday 24th of February
The talk will start at 7.30, but arrive from 6.30 to get your hands on a delicious vegan meal we’ll be cooking up in the BASE kitchen Menu this week: Armenian soup, veg lasagna, Chocolate ginger cake cake. Also selling Ginger beer to raise money for IAF (international of anarchist federations).

During the meal there will be a chance to browse the BASE info shop and radical library.

We no longer have a facebook (our page was permanently erased) but there is still an event set up, please share it around folks in Bristol as we no longer can. https://www.facebook.com/events/271616323737211/

Violence, Money, Revolution: A Year of Anarchist Discussion


Good news, everyone! Bristol Anarchist Federation has been running its monthly discussion nights for an entire year. Over the past twelve months, we have covered a range of subjects from ‘anarchism and violence’ and ‘revolutionary women’, to ‘mental health under capitalism’ and ‘a world without money’. The talks have been consistently popular, with most meetings seeing about 40 people attending – although, over 200 people showed up for our talk on mental health! We have met lots of new people, some of whom have gotten involved in anarchist organising in Bristol and helped to develop our ideas and actions. Continue reading